Vine launches a proper website, Microsoft fixes it’s big Internet Explorer boo-boo (yes, even on Windows XP), Snapchat makes itself less snappy (and more chatty) and a Google + executive jumps ship.
Vine has a New Website! It’s like YouTube for kids with attention deficit disorder! Find channels, users and more categories. This is the first time Vine has been moved off of a mobile platform. With its massive success via Twitter and then via its own platform, the move to a desktop version could be huge. It could also be a huge flop since those watching videos on a desktop typically have longer attention spans than those watching videos on mobile devices. Time will tell.
Massive Internet Explorer Bug is Fixed Internet Explorer had a huge flaw that allowed attackers to install malware on the user’s machine without permission. That’s not great. A lot of consumers abandoned IE once they heard of this bug. Whether or not they come back is yet to be seen. Microsoft fixed the bug on May 1st. With the amount they’ve been in the news lately, hopefully things are quiet for the company for the next few months.
Snapchat has a Major Update Now you can chat and video chat through your Snapchat app! It also introduces a save feature so that you can keep important things. So, how is this really “Snap”chat anymore? I don’t know. It just seems like texting and Facetime combined into one app. Which really isn’t that cool.
Google+ Top Executive Leaves – Vic Gundotra, the executive behind Google’s latest attempt at social media, has left the company. There’s no one taking over the social media branch right now, but I’m sure someone can’t be too far away. My guess is that Vic announced his departure two weeks ago on Google+ and it took media outlets this long to pick it up.

Matthew is the President of Infront Webworks and is a New England native now calling Colorado Springs home. Matt attended The University of NH where he pursued a BS in Natural Resource Economics & Business Administration. Aside from Infront; Matthew has owned and managed two other online agencies based on the seacoast of New Hampshire and been a key player in multiple technology mergers & acquisitions. When he’s not bathing in technology, online marketing & business; he’s probably spending time with his wife and daughter, boating, skiing the trees, hiking or cooking..he is a foodie for sure!