How should my business share content on Social Media?
There are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to sharing and linking content on Social Media. This is a demonstration of how Social content should be shared and linked. This graph will be explained in depth. When you have Social Content that you’ve created (whether it be an article on your site, an article on a different site, a video you produced, shared content, etc.) it should be shared and linked throughout the proper channels. These are just a few tips that you can use to optimize your content on Social Media.
How you should be sharing your content:
As a side note, I’d like to point out that you almost always want to start off using Facebook to post your content. Now, let’s start at the top. When you create Social Content it should be linked to a direct webpage. There are two ways of doing this, you can either include the webpage you’re targeting on your Facebook (or whatever platform) post, or you can include your Facebook post on your website using Facebook SDK Embed tools and Google analytics. This works by creating tracking pixels for each webpage from both your social sites and Google Analytics.
This content should also be linked to indirect pages as well. Indirect pages would be web pages with similar content but not your personal webpage. This means that if you’re posting something important on social media about your business (article, press release, video, etc.), then you can share your social link on other sites about business or post about your business. This includes other Facebook pages as well, blogs, and your own homepage. Then we just make sure that our direct webpage is linked to the indirect pages as well and that’s that. This is done simply by including your website link (where the content originated) in your shared post. It’s simpler than it sounds, I promise.
Now moving onto the middle and bottom sections. The middle section is simple, you should always duplicate your content on other Social Networking sites. So if you post something on your Facebook page, you should post the same thing on your Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube (if possible), Pinterest, etc. Your Social platforms should be linked, so this should happen automatically. If your social platforms are not currently linked, please go here to find information on how to do so. The bottom section is directed to if you are SHARING the content and are not the original author. If a reporter writes a news story about your business’s new store opening, service, product, etc., that reporter would be the “author” and their social sites should be included in your social content as well so you can share it from them directly. This is a direct social share. Lastly, if there is an original website where you got your content, you should include the link in your social post as well as any other relevant links.
What not to do when sharing & creating content:
When creating content on Social Media that pertains to your business, you should always include links to your website, other social media platforms you control, or both. You should not simply post a post about your business and expect to see conversions. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about.
This is an example of how content should be shared. This particular post is about a new song from an artist. This post may be simple, but the post is linked directly back to the artist’s Facebook page at the top, and the embed code is optimized to have a photograph of the original content as well as the link. This will engage more people. As you can see this simple post has 300 likes.
This would be an example of what not to do. As you can see, the only thing mentioned in this post is a link. This post should be linking not only to the article, but also to Music News and Taylor Swift’s Facebook profiles, and the embed code should be optimized to show the article and photo in our post. If you notice this post had 0 engagement from our audience.
These tips will help you have a clearer understanding of the value of your efforts on social media. Keep in mind how you’re currently tracking the performance of your content and keep these tips in mind!
If you’d like to speak with one of our SEO or Social Media experts, please give us a call at our Colorado Springs office. (719) 577-4404

Allan Todd is CEO of Pagecafe Digital Marketing. In 2022, Allan teamed up with Infront Webworks to provide digital marketing, website design, content marketing, SEO and strategy and solutions to local businesses. Allan lives in Colorado Springs.